Sunday, February 15, 2009

Fun times!

My part of the family came over this afternoon to eat and visit with Libby. We had all of the cousins together except little Claire. Maybe one day soon we'll all be together again.
The kids took Dee on a walk after lunch:
Aidan was too tall to make the little truck go.
He was determined to try, though.

5 out of 7 of Pop and Dee's grand kids.

Landry getting a pull from Tanner.

Camden could make this little scooter thing go (ala Fred Flintstone), but Dee thought he was entirely too slow, so he got pushed.

There were several switch-offs.


Unknown said...

I'm glad you guys had fun. Dee's hair is super cute by the way!

rose said...

Dee and Pop are seven times blessed!!!! Beautiful Children, every one!

Cathy H. said...

Thanks Rachel. I feel like Ronald McDonald with my new "Body Wave". Can you imagine what I would have gotten if I wanted a curyly perm???
Thanks Rose, We do have a beautiful family and healthy happy grandbabies. We could never ask for me than. I can't wait until Claire Bear is with us again.