We had our follow-up appointment with Dr. Groome, the maternal and fetal medicine specialist today. This child has something against showing his face, but has no problem WHATSOEVER putting his man bits in the right spot for viewing. Sorry these pictures aren't the greatest. It's because I cheated and took a picture of them instead of using the scanner.
Everything looked good, except the baby's kidneys were slightly dilated. While this could just be because he needed to pee and hadn't, it has also been linked to chromosomal disorders like Down Syndrome. Dr. Groome said that he's never seen a case of Downs where the only finding was dilated kidneys. But because it's his job, he went through the possibilities and offered us an amniocentisis to rule out a chromosomal disease. In about a half a second we decided that we wouldn't take him up on his offer. Number 1: knowing wouldn't change anything; Number 2: the risks sounded absolutely horrible (they include miscarriage); and, Number 3: there isn't any solid reason to let ourselves worry about it too much. So I think I'll be a little uncomfortable about things for a few days, then hopefully will start believing it when I say there's nothing to worry about. That's the plan, anyway. We see the specialist again in 6 more weeks to check out his baby kidneys again.
So, while I would love to be all cheery and say with 100% confidence that everything's great, I'll have to go with 90% for now.
Oh, and he weighs a whopping 1 pound, 1 ounce right now!
I'm going with the "needed to pee" scenario. You have no reason to believe that he is anything but perfect. Maybe he was a little lazy in the begining and maybe now he likes to hold his urine; he sounds like a real character to me!
My love to you all,
Aunt Kay
Thanks, Aunt Kay. I'm sure you're right. But whatever the case may be he will be ours and we will love him!
Like most men, he thinks his penis looks larger when he has to pee. Since he knew it was a photo opportunity, he chose to hold it in until after the shot!!!
I am positive that Evan Chance Rainey is as perfect as his big brother and sister.
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