Thursday, May 8, 2008

Landry's giggle

Of course she was giggling harder before I got the camera, but I was able to capture a little of her silly laugh. She had the hiccups and thought it was funny when I would hiccup back at her.


jennifer said...

Fred's gonna love this one. The self proclaimed baby hater loves to watch these little video clips of "Laundry" and Camden. I catch her smiling in the reflection of the computer monitor as she watches them over my shoulder.

Cathy H. said...

How can Mollie hate babies? If I remember correctly, there was a time that she was a baby!

jennifer said...

I think she views them as tiny attention sponges. She has jealousy issues. Also, if you're supposed to like something, Hannah Montana, High School Musical, babies...Mollie pretty much dislikes it out of principal.