Landry had her 4 month check up a few days early. She weighs 15 pounds, 5 ounces (85th percentile) and is 24.5 inches long (66th) percentile. I think Uncle Dr. Scott was being generous with the 66th percentile. She's gained almost 2 pounds and has grown an inch and a half since April 29th. She got 3 shots and one medicine orally. Camden's 4 months shots knocked him on his rear for about 3 days. Hopefully Landry will handle them a little better, but so far it's not looking so good, as she was a little fussy for Nana this afternoon.
*For comparison, Camden weighed 18 pounds, 1 ounce and was 25 inches long at 4 months.
Nice work on the red eye reduction. I can finally see how incredibly blue her eyes are. So pretty!
We didn't even have to reduce anything. Apparently the lighting in the exam room is much better than the lighting in our house!
Landry has beautiful blue eyes and they twinkle when she smiles.
That's a beautiful Baby girl! And I love her red hair!!!!!!! you would think I would have had one redheaded kid? By the way Carrie, my eyes were blue until I was about 18. I hope Landry's stay blue. you see redheads with green eyes but not so many with baby blues. She's a keeper!
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