Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Couch potato

Landry started having issues on Sunday falling asleep by herself. She had been fine with the whole concept until then. We're not sure what went wrong. This evening Blake plopped her down on the couch after she fell asleep and she did pretty well - for about 30 minutes. She woke up screaming, which threw Camden into a tailspin. He started hitting Blake in the face because his sister was crying. I'm pretty sure he threw his first temper tantrum when he got on the floor after that. The mind of a 1 year old - go figure. As of the time of this post Landry is in her room screaming her head off because she's not happy with us or without us, so we chose without us. Hopefully after she eats in a bit she'll pass out for a few hours. We went through the same thing with Camden, but there wasn't a 1 year old in the room next door to keep awake. Any suggestions from all you mothers out there?


wendyspies said...

awe, hon, i'm so sorry. i have no idea, i am no help at all. we ended up getting a very loud noise machine for gusto with a fairly good light on it and that has helped, but that was purely by chance.

Cathy H. said...

She is a red-head. Get used to it. All red-heads act like her!!!

Chad said...

I realize I don't have the requisite Mommy Partz© to reply, but I suggest Nyquil.

Haley said...

if she is full, dry and not hurt- let her scream. But then that doesn't help with the Camden issue. Sorry!

Aunt Tonya said...

I have great advise... just realize this to shall pass. Believe me it seems hard now but before you know it time will fly and it will be over (speaking from a mom of a 17 & 20 year old). I know its hard now but each phase of their life will seem hard at the time. Remember the big picture you have two beautiful kids and Blake and you are very blessed. Love YA!! Hang in there!!!

Carrie said...

The swaddling thing seems to be working for now. I think maybe she had too much freedom to swing her arms and legs and keep herself awake. I think we're just too used to Camden wanting to be put down so he can roll/sing/talk/play himself to sleep. We have to remind ourselves that it wasn't always that way with him. I'm sure Landry will pose a new and different problem once this one's all worked out!

Carrie said...
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