Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A solution, perhaps

I swaddled the bejesus out of Landry last night around 10:30. After about 5 minutes of discontent she fell fast asleep until 2, ate and slept again until 6. She ate again and is still snoozing. Maybe she just needs to feel more secure when she's trying to go to sleep. Hopefully this continues to work. We shall see. Thanks for all the good advice!


Karla said...

look at you!! figuring it all out!! such a great mom- and dad!! I was lucky in that Alyse can sleep through a tornado but at that age -- Sara slept almost all night! but you are on the right track -- try everything until you find what works!!!

The Wilsons said...

Hey Carrie, I'm lurking again. Gary loved to be held and cuddled, Landon wanted no part of that. Gary only slept when swaddled really tight with a big blanket (so he couldn't kick out of it) Landon wanted to be left alone in his own bed with no covers. Best thing I've figured out is "do what DIDN'T work with the other one!" It's still working for us 2 1/2 years into this trip.