Sunday, February 24, 2008

Mr. Independent

Camden had carrots as part of his lunch today. Apparently he decided his daddy didn't feed him enough, because I found him on the floor feeding the rest of them to himself after he had his bottle. While it is impressive that he can use a spoon properly, his ability to make a HUGE mess is not so impressive! He even got carrots on Abigail.


nana said...

Now that's funny! New rule...keep everything out of reach.

hillary said...

As my "baby" turns 4 next month - I look to your pictures to remember all of our firsts. I watched about an hour of old video today, and have a new appreciation of my own children - They were SO cute! Our parents warn us of how fast they grow, but it is SO hard to understand. Landry is ALREAY a month old -mine are 4 and 5 1/2. I get it now. Take LOTS of pictures and video, take care of them while they let you, and teach them to be the best little independent spirits you can b/c one day they become independent whether you approve or not.

chappy said...

Wahooo! My grandson can feed himself!!!! Look at that face!!! Thanks to Abby for the backup!!! Love Ya, Chappy