Tuesday, February 5, 2008

First trip to the doctor

Jennifer with Landry.

I took Landry to see Dr. Scott today for her first check up. He was very impressed with her progress. She's now 7 pounds 1 ounce, which is 2 ounces over her birth weight. She was 6 pounds, 9 ounces when we brought her home, so she's packed on 8 ounces since Thursday! She's 20 inches long, which is a half an inch longer than she was at birth. A half an inch sounds like a lot in 12 days to me, so maybe there was some sort of measuring discrepancy along the way. She's eating about an ounce more each feeding than what they expect at this age, so she's bound to keep packing on the pounds. Her temperature was excellent, and Scott said we don't have to keep the house at a simmer any more. I was very glad to hear that. Camden's had an afro since we brought Landry home and Blake and I have been waking up every night sweating. I think we'll all be a lot more comfortable! And Landry gets to be treated like a regular ol' healthy baby, since that's what she is now!

After the appointment we met my family for lunch. My cousin Jennifer is in from Las Vegas so we thought a girlie lunch was in order. Landry did great -slept almost the entire time. There were a few eyeball sightings, but not many. Landry got some pretty things at lunch - a beautiful dress from Cousin Rose, a sling from Jennifer (so I can function easier with 2 babies) and a dress and bloomers from Aunt Haley. Jennifer also got Camden a cool walk-behind toy. Thanks, ladies! (Formal thank you notes to follow!) We had nice lunch. Aidan was the entertainment. He spilled water all over Dee, and kept saying "ow" at Jennifer's tatoos. He calls Landry "Raintree", which is very cute. And he only fell into her carrier on her head once!

Camden stayed home for his regular play date with Nana and Chappy, and he was bushed from all the fun by the time I got home!

1 comment:

jennifer said...

I'm pretty sure it was "ew", not "ow". He was too funny. I loved it when Dee brought Aiden back from tossing coins in the fountain (wet up to his shins) and said "here's your kid, he fell."