Saturday, January 26, 2008

NICU/Dermatology Clinic

Our little girl has monkey toes!
And she likes holding her Daddy's hand already.

When went up to see Landry this morning she was WIDE awake just hanging out. The nurse came in and said she had one more baby to feed and then it was Landry's turn. We checked her over and sang her the good morning song. Her respiratory rate is really getting a lot better. They decreased her oxygen again. They started out at 60% on Thursday. It was 43% yesterday and is down to 37% today. I changed her diaper again and it was FULL of her very first poo. We learned that it's a little difficult to change the poo diaper of a little girl in near darkness, especially when there are wires and cords and tubes getting in the way. It was pretty comical.

When Maria, the nurse, came back in to feed Landry she had to check the tube going into her tummy to make sure it was in the right place so she didn't fill her lungs up with milk. She started pulling the tape off of her face and I said "her little mole is under there" and just about that exact moment she said "Oh! It came off!!". After I quickly inspected her face and realized nothing was missing except the little skin tag I started laughing hysterically. Landry didn't make a peep. Maria started apologizing saying how embarrassed she was, to which I responded "it works for me!" I never liked that mole anyway. So anyway, we had a little neonatal care and minor cosmetic surgery this morning. See, Willis Knighton South really IS the place to be!

Dr. Dyess is on call for Dr. Pineda today and just came in to say he's going to let us go home. It'll be a little while, but he said I can put on my street clothes! We'll have to work out a schedule for visiting Landry and getting back in the groove with Camden, but I think we're both ready to take on that challenge - and sleep in our own bed!

1 comment:

Pigtails and Puppy Dog Tales said...

I'm glad she's doing so well. She's so feisty, I think it will be not much longer before she gets to go home. I think "firecracker" describes her very well. I'm sure Camden will be glad to see his parents.