Camden's first PetroSun Independence Bowl (and first bottle served in a koozie).
Libby was BY FAR the most excited fan at the game!
And I was BY FAR the most pregnant - again!
Happy New Year, everyone! We had a wonderful end to 2007 filled with family, family and more family! Camden and Hayden spent some time together trying to figure each other out. What they figured out is that Hayden doesn't like for Camden to touch him and Camden doesn't like for Hayden to cry. Other than those two minor issues they got along famously - even if we did have to travel in separate vehicles to insure the sanity of their mothers! It was really nice to see the Arizona and California bunch. They took it a little slower with the activities this year, which left us a lot of time to catch up. Once again, thanks to Uncle Gordon's hospitality, we had a great time at Indy Bowl. We also ate entirely too many donuts, but that just seems to be the thing to do when these guys are in town. I'm pretty sure we all met our Southern Maid donut quota for 2007. You gotta have goals, right?
We had a house full of family and food for New Year's Eve, which was a pretty good way to say goodbye to a really special year. Hayden slept through the fireworks, but Camden had a few issues with Pop's potato gun because he wasn't quite asleep when Pop started firing potatoes through the air. He recovered from the shock and enjoyed the rest of the show through the windows on the front door.
2008 started out pretty well for the little guys, as there was no cousin-induced crying before the Ragusas hit the road!
Blake and I are looking forward to another wonderful year filled with dirty diapers, bottles and babies to love, and we hope 2008 is as exciting (but not as tiring) for you as it promises to be for us!
What a great weekend you guys had! We've really got to get out there soon to see everyone. I miss you all so bad. Granny and Papa must have had such a nice time.
Mollie wants to know how old Libby is.
Libby is 11. She'll be 12 on April 16th. Isn't she big?
how old is Mollie?
Mollie is 10, Libby. I can't wait to get the two of you together one of these days. You'll have a blast together.
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