It's really hard to believe that Camden is 9 whopping months old today! To celebrate he cut one of his top teeth. At least we think he did. He doesn't really let us investigate for more than a split-second, so it's a little hard to tell. If it's not there, it's really close, as is it's neighbor tooth. I guess maybe he did want his two front teeth for Christmas! We took these pictures yesterday at Danielle, Joey and Joshua's house. We tried to pose the boys next to each other on the couch, but Camden kept trying to pull Joshua's face off, so we decided they needed some adult supervision. Up until recently Joshua and Camden didn't really acknowledge each other, but now when Joshua cries Camden gets terribly upset, and when Camden gets excited and squeals it hurts Joshua's feelings (which leads to him crying and then Camden crying, and so on). It's one of those funny disasters - you can't help but feel a little bad for the little guys, but it's also pretty funny to watch the whole episode transpire.
what a beautiful family! you are VERY blessed!!
Landry's Big Brother is very very handsome!
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