No Name Rainey is here! He was born at 4:11 p.m. weighing 6 pounds, 8 ounces and 18.5 inches long. He's a shorty! I went in for my scheduled exam this morning and was dilated 5 cm. Dr. P sent me over to the hospital and they started me on Pitocin and broke my water shortly after 1 p.m. I got my epidural about 1:30, and bragged that I got it before I had too many painful contractions. This statement later bit me square in the ass when it wore off and I got about 30 minutes of strong contractions before the new dose of meds started working. I applaud all of you who have labored and/or delivered without pain meds, because I can tell you right now that sort of insanity just IS NOT for me. The epidural kicked back in about 1 minute before I started pushing, and after 2 to 4 good pushes he was here and SCREAMING. He immediately peed on my OB, and later went again on the nurses as they were cleaning him up and checking him out. So we know his little kidneys are working! My pediatrician said they would do the ultrasound on his kidneys tomorrow to see if they are still enlarged, or if that has resolved itself.
His respiration was rapid at first, but that seems to have resolved. He's in the nursery now awaiting his bath. He has to warm up first, and will have to warm back up afterwards, so we're not sure when we'll get to see him next.
He has strawberry blond hair. I'm curious to see what it looks like after his bath. Some say he resembles his siblings, some say he doesn't. I don't have an opinion on that yet, as we haven't really had much time together.
We've taken plenty of pictures, but somehow our USB cable got left at home. I have the little Canon in my purse, so when we see him next I'll take some pics with that and use the SD card slot on the laptop to upload a few pictures. He has a little bit of a cone head, but his little face is just perfect. I hope you show you all soon!
His name will be announced soon - I promise! Thanks for all your thoughts, prayers, good vibes, etc.
1 comment:
SO SO SO Thankful that all is well!!! I know whatever name you decide will be great! The girls, Jason and I send all our love! Can't wait to meet him!!! if you need babysitting services or assistance -- Alyse is available!
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