Friday, May 29, 2009
Announcing . . .
. . . Owen Ridgley Rainey! Most of you already know, but Ridgley is Blake's dad's middle name and goes back generations before him. It's growing on me! We tested the name out last night before we sent him back to the nursery and think it suits him very well. And he can already purse his lips as if he's saying "Oh", so we think he approves!
Welcome to the world, little Owen. Sorry it took us 16 hours to finalize your name!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Pictures compliments of Danielle

The nursery called a few minutes ago and said they bathed him at 8 and fed him about 9:15 and he did great. They'll bring him to us as soon as we get moved to a postpartum room. Who knows when that will be though.
By the way, I can't read the blog on Blake's HP Mini, so if things look funny, I apologize! I think the privacy screen has a weird affect on whatever color I've got the font set to.
Baby Boy Rainey has arrived!
No Name Rainey is here! He was born at 4:11 p.m. weighing 6 pounds, 8 ounces and 18.5 inches long. He's a shorty! I went in for my scheduled exam this morning and was dilated 5 cm. Dr. P sent me over to the hospital and they started me on Pitocin and broke my water shortly after 1 p.m. I got my epidural about 1:30, and bragged that I got it before I had too many painful contractions. This statement later bit me square in the ass when it wore off and I got about 30 minutes of strong contractions before the new dose of meds started working. I applaud all of you who have labored and/or delivered without pain meds, because I can tell you right now that sort of insanity just IS NOT for me. The epidural kicked back in about 1 minute before I started pushing, and after 2 to 4 good pushes he was here and SCREAMING. He immediately peed on my OB, and later went again on the nurses as they were cleaning him up and checking him out. So we know his little kidneys are working! My pediatrician said they would do the ultrasound on his kidneys tomorrow to see if they are still enlarged, or if that has resolved itself.
His respiration was rapid at first, but that seems to have resolved. He's in the nursery now awaiting his bath. He has to warm up first, and will have to warm back up afterwards, so we're not sure when we'll get to see him next.
He has strawberry blond hair. I'm curious to see what it looks like after his bath. Some say he resembles his siblings, some say he doesn't. I don't have an opinion on that yet, as we haven't really had much time together.
We've taken plenty of pictures, but somehow our USB cable got left at home. I have the little Canon in my purse, so when we see him next I'll take some pics with that and use the SD card slot on the laptop to upload a few pictures. He has a little bit of a cone head, but his little face is just perfect. I hope you show you all soon!
His name will be announced soon - I promise! Thanks for all your thoughts, prayers, good vibes, etc.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Checking out the new kid's digs
We'll be doing really well if Camden and Landry don't tear up the swing and bouncy seat before the baby gets here. The fact that Camden can now open the baby gates isn't working in our favor. They are both super interested in all the stuff that's being brought in and dug out of closets, etc. We'll see how much they like it when there's someone occupying all these fun items! I'm guessing that's going to go over like a turd in a punch bowl.
(These were taken with the little Canon point and shoot camera, which is why the quality sucks. Sometimes digging out the big, nice camera is too much of a hassle!)
Our "good helper"
Tuesday night Mom and Dad came over to help us put the new crib together. (That's the third crib in this house, for those of you who are counting.) Camden always touts himself as the "good helper", and Tuesday was no different. He's perfectly content as long as he's allowed to be involved. It's when the dad has had enough of his good help that things get ugly. Very, very ugly. But it's cute for a while!
Happy 16 Months, Landry Lou!
Landry turned 16 months old this morning. It's really crazy how fast time flies. She's as sweet as she can be . . . until you piss her off. Then you better watch out! She's very quick to try to knock your block off when she gets mad, and isn't afraid to fight for a toy, etc., if she thinks she's the rightful owner of it. She's still our best eater by far, and isn't scared to try anything at least once. She still won't eat fresh fruit, though she'll eat dried fruit and applesauce like it's going out of style. She's been in the habit of waking up at 6:20something every morning. That's getting old, but I guess we shouldn't complain since she goes down around 7 every night.
Happy 16 months, Baby Girl! We love you more than you'll ever know!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Just to update
I think this is the longest I've ever gone without updating this thing. I would have divorced it by now if I were y'all!
Not too much to report here, except that the bed rest was officially lifted on Monday. I had pretty much taken myself off of it about a week and a half earlier though. Breaking the rules! Breaking the rules! My doctor also took me off of the magnesium and Brethine I was taking to slow the contractions. I was still at 2 cm and 30% effaced on Monday. That makes about 3 weeks of no change. The contractions picked back up almost immediately, and I'm having some pretty good ones at night. I'll go back on Tuesday and see if there's been any progress. Assuming I'm still progressing, we're scheduled for an induction on June 4th.
The kids are doing great, after a bad bout with Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease. That's some bad stuff. They were miserable for several days, and their moods certainly reflected it. Fortunately they had it at the same time. I'd like to block out those 5 days. They were really, really bad days. But they're all better now.
We found Landry on the dining room table twice this morning. She's enjoying climbing into the chairs entirely too much. She's a little dare devil for sure. She's talking more and more, although much of her vocabulary is still hard to understand. She's been crazy with the "hold me" since I've gotten off bed rest. Although I was a rule breaker, I really tried not to pick either of the kids up unless it was absolutely necessary. Now that I'm able to pick her up and carry her around again she thinks I need to ALL DAY LONG. I guess maybe she senses what's coming?
Camden is still a big goof ball. He wakes up in the morning and starts singing just about every day. This morning it was "Low Rider". The number of songs the kid can sing all by himself is ridiculous! He can repeat almost anything we ask him to. The other day I had him saying "that aggravates the fire out of me", after he continued to unfold the laundry as I was folding it. He comes up with some pretty funny stuff on his own though. He likes to kiss and rub my belly and say "baby", but I'm pretty sure he has no idea what it's all about. He also thinks Blake has a baby in his belly, if that tells you anything.
We finally had new floors put down in the baby's room and had almost the entire bottom floor of the house repainted. It's looking pretty good in here, if I do say so myself. We still need to find a rocking chair for the baby's room and get the camera for the video monitor hung, but for the most part it's ready for it's unnamed occupant. I still need to paint something for his wall, too. I haven't been inspired or motivated to do much lately.
I have lots of photos to upload, but they'll have to make it from the camera to my laptop first. One of these days, right?
I hope you're all doing well. I'll try to get more stuff on here soon.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Landry's 15 month stats
Landry went for her 15 month check up today. I broke the bed rest rules and went with Blake so we could discuss the potential problems with Trouble Rainey. And no, I don't want to hear any griping from anyone about it!
Landry got three yucky shots and pitched a big ol' fit while she got them, but recovered very quickly. She weighs 23.5 pounds (60th percentile) and is 31.5 inches tall (80th percentile). We're always glad when one of our kids makes it past the 50th percentile in height! (I think we may have some underlying issues with this.) Her head circumference was 18.125. She's already passed the word requirement they set for 18 months, so unless something comes up that concerns us about her development she won't have to go back for another well baby check until her second birthday.
As we predicted, she's doing great!
I've been meaning to document her vocabulary (for my own purposes), so here's my attempt:
Cookie (tookie, or something similar)
Cracker (cackoo, I think)
No-no (while waving her finger at you)
Puppy (sometimes she says it correctly and sometimes it comes out "buppy")
Thank you (tantoo)
More (mo-mo)
Milk (also mo-mo)
Hungry (hawnee)
Hold me (hoe me)
There are more, but my brain needs a nap. I'll update as I think of them.
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