Landry hates socks.
She loves for her big brother to get in the bed with her in the mornings.

On the way to vote first thing Tuesday morning.

Camden was awful chipper for 7 a.m.

Landry, too. (And just for the record, this is the first time they've left the house all WT in their PJs. We didn't think the other voters would mind.)
I finally figured out the meaning of Whiskey Tango the other day.
Well fill me in, 'cause I don't know!
I guess the combination of the fact that you just figured it out AND used call letters confused me.
Actually Wiskhey Tango is a Military call sign for the letters W T. It can actually mean a lot of things but can be short for White Trash. If you add other letters or words like foxtrot it becomes Code for What the F___? or the internet code WTF? If you're talking about me that would be the afore mentioned!
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