Landry turned 10 months old yesterday. She's still just about the happiest baby I've ever seen. She and Camden have started doing lots of things together, like moving furniture, climbing into furniture, playing in drawers, etc. She's saying "bye-bye" and waving at the appropriate times. Other than that her vocabulary is still "dah-dah-dah", "mamamama", and things of that sort. She's started making attempts at more complex sounds, but not very often. She's figured out the door knobs, she just can't quite reach them yet. But she has the concept that door knob equals outside down pat. Camden's started the fit-throwing, which sometimes makes her laugh and sometimes makes her cry. She LOVES to eat. In an effort to avoid having a house full of picky eaters we've started her on people food a little early. She eats what we eat, and if Camden doesn't finish his meal she'll usually do a little damage to his leftovers. There are very few foods she doesn't like. She still thinks her brother is the coolest thing in the world, next to food. Watching them interact (when it's the happy kind of interaction) is the highlight of my days!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
My boy genius
Maybe this isn't that impressive, but it wowed me! Of course before I broke the camera out all I had to do was count to five and he would then say "sits". But once he had an audience I had to ask him what came next. He's in the recliner right now looking at one of Blake's car rags and saying "twoo, shive (5) "wuh (1), sits", so he definitely has some practicing to do. But at least he's trying, right?!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Because his biological need to procreate is just that strong

I always knew my husband was special, but I didn't know exactly how special until last month. It turns out that he's one in one thousand! (Actually, he's FEWER than one in one thousand, but that doesn't sound very good.)
Back in July Blake took one for the team and had a vasectomy. Although the procedure was performed correctly, both sides of his vas deferens found their way back together. It's one of the things they tell you can happen, but very rarely does. Anyway, about the time he should have been all out of swimmers, one made it to the golden egg and here we sit, pregnant again. We are expecting a June baby to add to our pack. While we thought that two little Raineys would be plenty for us, apparently the Guy Upstairs thought we needed three. The initial shock was a bit much to bear, but after about 24 hours we decided that this little nugget deserved every bit of excitement as any other, so here we go AGAIN!
We went to the doctor yesterday and heard a very strong heartbeat and saw little arms and legs wiggling about. Everything is looking great so far.
Monday, November 17, 2008
An unfortunate carjacking incident
Try to ignore the toys scattered all over the floor and the laundry piled on the dresser.
Monday, November 10, 2008
State Fair
The kids and I barged our way into the Woollen's trip to the fair on Friday. We had fun avoiding the carnies and watching Chris win a $7 guitar. Everyone behaved pretty well, and we only lost one kid, briefly.
And this is what you get right after you've told your sister "Camden NEVER falls asleep in the car."
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Landry's 9 month check up
I took Landry in for her 9 month well baby check today. Her weight is 20 pounds, 13 ounces (75th percentile), and her height is 29 inches (90th percentile). Her head is 18 inches (90th percentile). We are very excited about the prospect of her having some height on her. Hopefully there wasn't some horrible measuring tape snafu to account for the 3 inches she's grown in the past 3 months. I guess we'll see when we go back for her one year visit. She's a happy and healthy baby girl, which is just the way we like 'em!
Just for grins, here's Camden at 9 months. He was 23 pounds and 28 inches tall.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Happy 20 Months, Camden!
Congratulations to us! We've successfully kept another human being alive, and for the most part happy, for 20 whole months now. We might actually be pretty good at this! Camden is talking up a storm, which includes many, many real words and an equal amount of jibberish. He loves his little "seester" very much and always wants to be involved in getting her out of bed in the mornings and after naps. He's pretty sweet to her the majority of the time, but has his moments when she gets snatchy with his toys. They sure are cute! Here's a little video clip of the two of them from this morning.
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