Saturday, October 25, 2008

Sarasota Jungle Gardens

On the way to the zoo.

Camden found a "shower". How do you like the harness? It worked like a charm!
This is Roxanne, and my butt.

Silly stuff.

Cool rider.

Camden got pooped out and decided to ride toward the end of the day.

Good girl.


Pigtails and Puppy Dog Tales said...

Aww, that sounds like so much fun. I love the zoo. I'm sure it was much better than the State Fair Zoo we went to today.

-jen said...

Miss Landry looks good in that bubble, it was a favorite of mine. Looks like you guys are having great fun. Look how BIG Candem (haha) is getting.

-jen said...

Oh, yeah. I remember now that I originally wanted to comment on the harness. We have one for Estelle and I swear by it. Though it can summons some disapproving looks from strangers, I would much rather that than risk my child running off.

Carrie said...

That's the first time she's worn that little bubble. It's adorable! Thanks for the hand-me-downs!

He barely noticed the harness was there and didn't run off into the jungle once. I never really liked the concept before I had kids, but once I figured out how freaking fast they can be I rethought the whole situation!

Meet the Mayfields said...

Oh on you did not put a leash on your child! What is up with the lady making out with the white bird next to you? Have I ever mentioned how much I hate birds?

jennifer said...

That was actually me, not Mollie. And I was just joking...sort of.

jennifer said...

That was actually me, not Mollie. And I was just joking...sort of.