Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I guess it was bound to happen

I found Landry standing in her crib after I put her down this afternoon. She was very unsure about what she had gotten herself into, because she was whining a pretty pitiful tune. I got this one shot before she sat down after seeing me.


Chad said...

That's a classic "deer in the headlights" look. She knows she's busted, and unsure of her next move. Wait till she learns to stick stuff up her nose, though.

Meet the Mayfields said...

STANDING WHAT!?! She is way to young! What is up with the net bumper? What happened to her beautiful bedding?

Carrie said...

She was trying to pull up on the bumper and was jacking it all up so we replaced it with the ugly mesh one to keep the pacifiers in the bed. Not pretty, but functional!