Thursday, July 31, 2008

If you ask for bubbles . . .

. . . bubbles you get!

I used the bubbles this evening to try to cure a cranky Camden. To our surprise he started saying "bubbles, bubbles" over and over. He has said that word once before, but not really in the right context. After the bubbles were over Blake took him to his room to change into PJs. Sometime before the bubbles and PJs the gate going into the hall near the garage got left open. (Uh-hmm, Blake!) I asked Blake where Camden was and he said "I don't know". I saw the gate open and started down the hall when the door into the garage opened and, low and behold, here comes Camden through the door with the Swiffer. I thought to myself, "that's a really good idea for getting all the bubbles off the floor", and we went with it - right after I turned the chime back on the alarm system. The garage door was open, so I guess we should be damned glad there was a Swiffer to grab his attention. Otherwise he'd probably have been down the street!

1 comment:

jennifer said...

Wow, clear as a bell! He's so stinkin cute!