Uncle Bill and Aunt Beth built a new addition onto the camp at Caddo recently, so to celebrate its completion they invited the family out for the weekend. We had a wonderful time visiting on the water! Both of the kids were very well behaved and had a great being the center of attention. Thanks for the hospitality, Alexanders!

Camden and Uncle Bill.

Landry sporting her 'kini.

Camden and Aunt "TaTa"

Bart's cool pose.

The one and only picture of Mr. and Mrs. Rainey together.

Camden's first venture into the river.

Pretty, pretty Peyton.

Peyton and Camden going on a boat ride.

Brannon let Camden drive for a while.

The gang waiting on the little guy.

Camden did his best to keep things tidy.

Landry did her best to eat Brooke's nose.

How many licks does it take . . . ?

Pat and Brooke with the cutest baby girl in the world!

Misty and Bart enjoyed the cutest baby girl, too.

Look at those eyes!

Pat, Brooke and Camden

Brooke and Landry.

My babies.

Landry with Brooke's baby, Ella.
1 comment:
It's official...we have another generation of 'river rats'. The Alexander klan love BKrazy at Caddo!
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