We landed at 8:30 last night (local time) and got to the hotel around 10. We immediately found a place to serve us some food. Allegiant Air is pretty screwed up. Your ticket costs X amount, but then they add $10 for your first piece of checked luggage (it increases dramatically from there), $11 for your seat (which one would think would be included in the X amount of your ticket), and THEN if you want to eat or drinking anything during the 3 hour flight you have BUY it! Seriously. $2 for a Snickers. $6 for a sandwich that likely tastes like crapola. I shiver to think what a bottle of water might cost you. I'm surprised they weren't collecting a cover charge for the bathrooms. So anyway, the point is that we were starving by the time we got in. We had 2 beers and a turkey wrap and hit the sack. Sounds good, right? When we woke up this morning we both felt like we had been over-served and then run over by a train. It's very odd. I'm capable of consuming much more than 2 beers and feeling fine, but I guess the combination of 2 beers, getting to bed entirely too late and the time change really has us screwed up. Maybe we'll adjust in time to come home!
The picture above is the view of Lake Las Vegas from our hotel room. Nice, huh? We hear the rest of the property is spectacular, but it was pitch black when we drove in last night, so we can't attest to that yet. I'll let you know later how beautiful it is.
We found out only after we got in town that the Ritz-Carlton is just about as far south as you can go and still be in Vegas. It was a $50.10 cab ride, which ended up be $60 with the tip. We knew it wasn't on the strip, but had no idea it was practically in Utah. We're very glad at this point that they screwed up our reservations. We were supposed to be here all 4 nights, but the company Blake's meeting with somehow missed Blake's reservation request, so tomorrow we'll move to the Wynn Las Vegas and enjoy the smut, trannies and drunks on the strip! What fun!
We've already checked on the babies twice. So far they're not giving Nana and Chappy any problems. Hopefully they'll save the craziness for when we get home.