We've been in the hospital with Camden since 3 a.m. Wednesday morning. I just made a quick trip home to have a full-blown shower and play with the pups for a few minutes. When we went in Camden had a 104.6 degree fever. He's been fever-free since 5:30 p.m. yesterday, but he has to be fever-free for 48 hours before they'll let us go home. He had a large amount of bacteria in his urine, but 2 other tests which usually indicate kidney/bladder infections were negative, so they're trying to determine if he has a kidney/bladder infection or if it's something else. If the urine culture comes back negative tomorrow morning and he stays fever-free throughout the day we should get to go home. He's in pretty good spirits, but the IV board immobilizing his arm has him pretty ticked off at times. I'll update more when we get home. Keep us in your thoughts!
We are thinking of yall and wishing Camden a speedy recovery. WE love yall, Aunt Kay, Uncle Gordon, and Annie
P.S. Annie says "keep that arm board on , it's better than another poke!"
No other baby could make an xs hospital gown as cute as you do, Camden! I love you!!
Poor Camden!!! No little one likes the arm board!!! Hang in there big guy!!! -- let me know if either of you need anything!
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