Landry turned 23 months old on Christmas Eve. She is such a big girl! Her comprehension really seems to have taken off over the past several days. She's articulating better as well. It's hard to believe that she'll be two in less than a month. Where does the stinking time go?

Owen will be 7 months old tomorrow. We've got an early morning flight to Mexico, so I thought I better post this sweet picture tonight. He's trying to become mobile, but so far all he does is scoots himself backwards. His poor fat tummy keeps him high-centered a lot of the time. He briefly gets up on all fours, but all he can muster is a little rocking action. He's making more and more sounds these days. He's got "dada" down very well. His second tooth came in on Christmas Eve. Seeing teeth in a previously empty mouth is a little weird, but he's still cute as a button!
See? I told you so.