Not the greatest picture, I know. I took a picture of the 3D ultrasound picture with my phone so I could email it to Blake, and it's all I've got to offer you guys since our scanner is in a closet somewhere. We saw some pretty freaky stuff on the 3D ultrasound today. He had the hiccups and kept opening and closing his mouth in all sorts of scary ways, and also kept opening his eyes, which I was not a fan of at all. Still kind of creeps me out just thinking about it. It was neat to watch in real time though.
Mom took me to see Dr. Pineda this morning, as Blake is spending the week in Florida on business. Actually, it really is business, he'll just get to have a little fun while he's down there. And since fun is something I'm definitely short on these days, I'm a lot jealous and a little bitter about it! But anyway, back to the story. Dr. P checked me and I'm almost 2 cm dilated. I've been a little bit dilated for the past 2 weeks, but today was enough to make it onto the charts. My cervix is still about 25-30% effaced, which is the same that it's been for the past week. He didn't seem very concerned with the dilation. The baby is still very high and my cervix hasn't softened any more. We'll go back on Thursday and see if there's any change at that point. If there is, I'm probably going to start freaking out.
We saw the techs at the specialist's office after the visit with Dr. P. Things look almost identical to last week with the baby's kidneys (3.5 cm and 8-9 cm) and my amniotic fluid level (22 cm). He performed nicely on for the monitors and we got out of there a good bit quicker than the last several times. Apparently bananas get him moving pretty well.
That's all I know for now. We've got appointments with painters and flooring folks lined up to get his room (and other parts of the house) completed before he gets here. He has bedding and should have furniture in another week or so. Now if we can just find him a name!