Wednesday, August 27, 2008

It's kind of funny when your hair matches your lunch

Landry was proudly wearing her carrots earlier today. And look at those 2 bottom teeth in the last picture!

Somebody's pulling up

Landry started pulling up about a week or so ago. She's gotten a little better at it over the past couple of days.

Partying like 12 year old groupies

Anne Marie and Brett invited us to join them at the American Idols Tour last night. We thought "sure, it'll get us out of the house and it's free". Then we thought about how ridiculous we would look at such an event! We had tickets to an autograph session and a meet and greet with the Idols before the show. It's amazing how quickly one gets star struck! Look at the cheesy grins on our faces - like big idiots, right? We ended up having a really good time, and we were definitely not the oldest people there.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Siblings who read together stay together?

I found Camden reading to Landry this morning. Okay, so he wasn't really reading, but he was pointing out all of the things he recognizes in his book, like babies, bottle, duck, cheese, grapes, kitty cat, puppy, etc. I'm sure Landry took it all in and will be saying all those words next week!

Sweet Mollie

My cousin Jennifer's 10-year-old daughter Mollie made these adorable little silk flower fairies and sent them to me. What a nice surprise when I checked the mail today! They are teeny tiny little things, which means they probably took a lot of time to craft. The volume of creativity pumping through Mollie's veins is unreal. That kid can do ANYTHING she puts her mind to. She comes from a creative family, so I guess it shouldn't be all that surprising. Thank you, Mollie. You are the bestest! (p.s. I'll put them in a safe place, just like I promised.)

Happy 7 months, 1 day!

Landry turned 7 months old yesterday. She is the sweetest baby girl in the world! She has a lot of her brother's personality, with a little fiery side mixed in. She's given up her belly crawl for the real thing full-time now. She'll take off on her own little adventure if she gets the urge. She's eating puffs by herself, although not very impressively yet. We've changed her from four 6 ounce bottles a day to three 8 ounce bottles. She seems to be taking more of her bottles that way. She's been eating fruit and veggie baby food for about a month, and we'll be on to the meats this week. She loves her big brother like crazy, and most of the time he's just as enamored by her! We are looking forward to whatever insanity lies ahead with these two!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Here's some scenery

These pictures are for those of you who have moved far, far away from this area. There isn't a whole lot to look at around these parts, but to me this stuff is pretty spectacular. They say every place has its own beauty, and I think this is it in our area. It just might make a few of you homesick for some high humidity and muddy water!

Happy Birthdays, Nana and Chappy!

Nana had a birthday on Friday, and Chappy's was back on the 11th. We celebrated this weekend at the Alexander's camp on Caddo. We had a great time being lazy together! Happy birthday, Nana and Chappy! We love you both.

Our pathetic attempt at a cookie cake. It's the thought that counts, right?

Nana and Chappy thought having their combined age of "121" in candles was pretty funny.

Uncle Bill visited for a little while. Landry loved his readers.

Cap'n Camden.

Look'n Landry. Poor baby is too small for any life vest we've found, so she gets to stay behind on the dock.

My 2nd boat ride in 3 summers.

Pretty, pretty Peyton.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Little Monkey

We got a report while we were in Mexico that Camden was found atop the piece of furniture in the breakfast room. Yesterday I caught him surfing on it and snapped a picture before we started the game of "No, Camden", "No?" He likes to repeat it as a question to see if I really mean it. I've found him on bar stools, in chairs, standing on the couch and in the recliner. Next week he'll probably be on the kitchen table. From what I hear about Blake as a youngster, this is only the beginning!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Our sweet babies bathed together tonight for the very first time. Camden tried to give Landry a drink of water from the rinsing cup and gave her a big, fat hug, but Landry really only cared about the fact that the water jumped when she hit it. I'm a little embarrassed to say that until now I've still been bathing Landry in the infant tub in the kitchen sink. It was just easier that way! Earlier this week she decided she needed to continually pull the water faucet into her mouth, and I knew then that it was time to stop fighting the inevitable. So begins the big kid baths for everyone!

Play date

We went to play with Cousin Brody this afternoon. He was much more intrigued with Landry than with Camden at first. He finally came around and decided to show Camden his hiding spot in his room. Camden would open the dresser drawer and say "hewoe". Camden found Jessica's blow dryer and thought it was the greatest thing on earth. I tried to take a bazillion pictures of the three kids together, and of course I still couldn't catch them all looking at the camera at the same time. Dodie fixed the boys a little bowl with snacks and once Brody was through with his he went for Camden's. Camden quickly gave him a "No, boy!" But afterwards he took a teddy graham out of his bowl and said "onna bite" and gave it to Brody. They all three played very well together, but with such sweet (and good-looking) kids that shouldn't surprise anyone.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Landry's first trip through the tunnel

Landry made her very first trip through the tunnel tonight. We didn't even have to use toys to bribe her, because it turns out she'll go just about anywhere to try to get the camera!

She crawls (in between her breaststroke move)!

I made the comment on Saturday that Landry would probably never crawl, but just keep on keeping on with her crazy tummy thing. I guess she didn't much like that, so later that evening she decided to finally pick that chubby little belly up and take off . . . at a tortoise's pace. Seriously, seriously, painstakingly slow. When she's in a hurry she still goes back to her old moves. She practices more and more every day, and almost made it into the kitchen today before we all retreated back to the living room, so she'll be on our heels any day now!

P.S. One day I'll learn how to edit and weed out all the unimportant stuff!

A fit for a queen

Landry was in a bit of a mood after her afternoon nap, so I decided to make light of it with a little video. There was nothing wrong with her, other than the fact she was having a hard time playing with the wipe container without it popping up and hitting her in the head.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Lord Godiva . . . and his monkey (not that one!) . . . and his caterpillar

We allowed Camden a little naked time after his bath on Friday. We normally rush him to the changing table and dress him, because quite frankly, we don't like the idea of cleaning peepee off of whatever surface he may choose to aim at. He enjoys being naked, and decided he should play with as much as humanly possible before we strapped another diaper and PJs on him. I'll post the really good "man" picture when I figure out how to insert a "censored" block on the photo.

Friday, August 15, 2008

The tooth and its neighbor

I finally got a picture of Landry's first tooth. It got a neighbor while we were in Mexico, but you can't see that one yet. Please excuse the crazy face!