Camden's trying really hard to crawl, but so far he's only made a little forward progress. He does a whole lot of rocking back and forth. He'll get his legs and arms going, but only for two or three forward movements. He's really good at scooting off his mat onto the hardwoods and sliding himself around to wherever he's wanting to go, and he spins around on his belly like a tiny slow-motion break dancer! He also must think that wood and marble tile tastes good, because he spends a good bit of time licking the floors once he escapes the matted area.
His gums have been pretty swollen lately, so we're expecting to see some new teeth soon. Fortunately, he doesn't do much complaining about his mouth yet. You can tell he's bothered, but it hasn't been absolutely horrible to this point.
We're all doing very well. I feel like a beached whale, but I totally deserve it after all the Halloween candy I've eaten. I didn't eat ANY of it yesterday, which is a minor miracle. I'm going to have to buy more to replace what I've eaten, otherwise the poor little neighborhood kids won't get much from the
Rainey house. The last trick-or-
treater at our house is going to load up, because I'm going to make Blake give them all of the candy that's left. But how do you know who's the last?
Hmm. That might not be a very good plan. I'll have to come up with something else.
I hope everyone has a good week. We hope to get Camden's Halloween costume on him in the next couple of days so we can share some pictures. I'll try not to wait almost a week to post again!

We went for a walk last week with Danielle and Joshua. Joshua didn't quite make
the picture, but he's there, I promise!

He really wants to crawl!

He was not happy with the amount of water in his eyes during his bath on Friday.

If you enlarge this picture and use a little imagination you can see his two bottom teeth!