Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Crawly, but not so creepy

Camden has been working on his crawling form for a couple of weeks now. Last Thursday he decided he'd just take off (very slowly). He's not very graceful, but it's cute nonetheless. We're enjoying this slow crawling time, because before we know it he'll be too quick for this waddling woman to keep up with! He's already eye-balling the coffee table and other things he's sure to be pulling up on soon.

Happy Halloween everyone!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Beware of the vampire monkey!

Today we went to a Pumpkin Patch Halloween Party at Gymboree. Camden really tolerated his crawfish costume very well. He and his froggy friend Alex didn't participate in the activities much, but they enjoyed chewing on all the props just the same. We were having a pretty good time until this pesky little vampire monkey started hanging around. He thought he needed to steal all of the things our little guys were playing with. When he got to the dirty burp cloth and we wouldn't let him have it he decided to bite Camden. He let go of the burp cloth, grabbed Camden's arm and latched on. Camden has officially received his first stranger-inflicted injury at the ripe old age of 7 months, 28 days. It's been almost 2 hours now and I can still count the teeth marks on his arm! I was mortified, but somehow resisted the urge to smack the monkey (who was probably about 18 months old) right off his little monkey tail. Camden turned bright red and broke down in tears, which just made it all that much worse. The monkey and the monkey's mom didn't stick around long after the biting incident. Apparently, while we handled the situation pretty well (and by "well" I mean that we didn't physically injure her child), it was obvious that we weren't very happy parents. I know these things will happen, but I didn't expect it this early, especially over a freaking burp cloth!!!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

First trip to the State Fair

Camden had his first taste of the Louisiana State Fair today. We met Danielle, Joey and Joshua for a little fried food and fun. Camden likes riding in his stroller, so he was pretty content most of the day. I tried to get him to feed a giraffe, but he kept trying to stick the carrot in his own mouth. I guess I should have anticipated that.

Friday, October 26, 2007

The Pumpkin Patch

We visited the Pumpkin Patch at St. Luke's today with Anne Marie and Alex. The folks there were very nice and let us pose our kids and scream their names a thousand times trying to get the perfect picture. They didn't turn out perfect, but they're pretty darned close!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Hanging out at Daddy's office

We went to Blake's office today to pick him up for lunch. Camden tried to pull off a Kennedy-esque moment. It's not the Oval Office, but it's still a pretty cute picture.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Sorry for all the down-time

Camden's trying really hard to crawl, but so far he's only made a little forward progress. He does a whole lot of rocking back and forth. He'll get his legs and arms going, but only for two or three forward movements. He's really good at scooting off his mat onto the hardwoods and sliding himself around to wherever he's wanting to go, and he spins around on his belly like a tiny slow-motion break dancer! He also must think that wood and marble tile tastes good, because he spends a good bit of time licking the floors once he escapes the matted area.

His gums have been pretty swollen lately, so we're expecting to see some new teeth soon. Fortunately, he doesn't do much complaining about his mouth yet. You can tell he's bothered, but it hasn't been absolutely horrible to this point.

We're all doing very well. I feel like a beached whale, but I totally deserve it after all the Halloween candy I've eaten. I didn't eat ANY of it yesterday, which is a minor miracle. I'm going to have to buy more to replace what I've eaten, otherwise the poor little neighborhood kids won't get much from the Rainey house. The last trick-or-treater at our house is going to load up, because I'm going to make Blake give them all of the candy that's left. But how do you know who's the last? Hmm. That might not be a very good plan. I'll have to come up with something else.

I hope everyone has a good week. We hope to get Camden's Halloween costume on him in the next couple of days so we can share some pictures. I'll try not to wait almost a week to post again!

We went for a walk last week with Danielle and Joshua. Joshua didn't quite make
the picture, but he's there, I promise!
He really wants to crawl!
He was not happy with the amount of water in his eyes during his bath on Friday.
If you enlarge this picture and use a little imagination you can see his two bottom teeth!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Another unexplained fever

We had a horrible night last night - I was up 4 times and Blake was up twice with Camden. We took his temperature at 5:15 a.m. and it was 99.8. By 8:45ish it was 101.6. After our hospital stay 3 weeks ago I decided we'd get to the doctor and nip this one in the bud early (as opposed to waiting for 104+). He got another catheter stuck down his business, a finger stick and a shot. His white blood cell count was elevated a little, but his urine was clear, so they're just going to watch it to make sure the antibiotics do their job. I'd like to think that we'll sleep tonight, but I was warned that the fever would likely go up before going away, so I think we're in for another long one! Keep us in your thoughts, please.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Prenatal Checkup

I went to the doctor yesterday (at 22 weeks, 5 days). Everything with the baby looks great, although I did get in a little trouble for gaining 8 pounds in 4 weeks! After he looked back over my chart from my first pregnancy and saw the same pattern at the same stage in the pregnancy, and after he measured me and I measured over a week ahead, he decided that it really wasn't that bad. Apparently the baby's had a growth spurt, although I hardly think we can blame all the weight on that. (Me thinks it has more to do with Bluebell's Chocolate Brownie Overload ice cream! Thanks, Chad!!!) Oh well. I'll try to watch myself. The heart rate was 160 and my fundal height measured 24 weeks. We go back on November 6th, and then I'll have more labs and the way tasty glucose tolerance test!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Weekend Photos

We had a great weekend. Saturday night we went to Danielle and Joey's for the LSU game. Joshua and Camden did a great job showing their team spirit! Sunday we took Camden to Aunt Beth and Uncle Bill's camp for the first time. While we were there he had his first experience with a make-shift drum and sticks and posed for a cute picture with Peyton. He eventually got the hang of it, but preferred banging on the "drum" with his hands as opposed to the spoons. He must be more of the bongo type!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Camden's new kicks!

Camden got his first pair of shoes today! For some reason just seeing those big ol' shoes on him made me all weepy. I'll blame it on pregnancy hormones. His foot measured a 4.5, but these particular shoes don't come in half sizes, so he's wearing a 5. I was a little disappointed when I realized they were squeakers, but luckily the squeakers are removable. I'm sure Blake will have the squeakers out very shortly, but they're cute for now. (And they keep the dogs amused!) Maybe now we can avoid the big toe blisters he's been getting from jumping too hard on his tiptoes. Here's a short video of him squeaking away!

Friday, October 5, 2007

Daddy & Gymboree

Blake came to Gymboree today to watch Camden play. It was a nice break for me, since Level II pretty much wounds me these days. The first picture is our action shot of the day where Blake was attempting to catch Camden as he rolled off of the little rocking thingy. He didn't quite catch him, but thankfully there was thick padding underneath him. He got a little upset upon impact, but he shook it off pretty quickly.

Eye Contact!

Thursday Camden and I went to visit Danielle and Joshua. Although they've been in the same room a few times now, this was the first time they actually acknowledged the other's existence. There's quite a size difference between an almost 4 week old and a 7 month old, but I'm sure it'll all be evened out by this time next year.! It's fun to think about what good friends they're going to be!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Camden's 7 months old!

Today Camden turned 7 months old! This has really been a quick 7 months. Yesterday I found myself really looking forward to Christmas, even though we haven't even hit Halloween or Thanksgiving. Where does the time go?

I had to include this picture of Miller, because today is his 4th birthday! Happy Birthday, Miller!!

Monday, October 1, 2007

I forgot to mention the tooth!

Well, I didn't really forget, I just haven't been able to get a picture of the tooth that came in on Thursday, September 20th. Believe me, I try to catch the ever evasive tooth on digital media, but so far all I've gotten are blurs and shiny slobber mouth. I've posted this picture so you guys can pretend that you see the actual tooth. It's neighbor is breaking through, so hopefully I'll have a picture of two little teethies soon.